POLWHELE, Thomas Roxburgh - British Association Member
Thomas Roxburgh Polwhele (1831 - 1909), a geologist who studied at Cambridge, joined the British Geological Survey in 1857 and became president of the Geological Society of Cornwall in 1896 and 1897.
Polwhele visited the Bell Farm on Sept. 14, 1884 along with many other members of the Association after attending the annual conference of the British Association, which was held in Montreal, Quebec in 1884.
British Geological Society website - http://bgs.ac.uk/discoveringGeology/geologyOfBritain/archives/pioneers/pioneers.cfc?method=viewRecord&personId=179
Photo Source: - http://geoscenic.bgs.ac.uk/asset-bank/action/viewAsset?id=131095
Obituary - http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayFulltext?type=1&fid=5096148&jid=GEO&volumeId=6&issueId=12&aid=5096144
Michelle Cabana, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan