BENNETT, Alfred William - British Association Member - 1884
Alfred William Bennett (1833-1902) was born in Clapham, a small town within today’s greater London, England. He was a botanist and publisher, and was a member of the British Association party that visited the Bell Farm on Sept. 14, 1884.
In 1858 he married Katharine Richardson; they had no children. He was largely self taught, but for many years was a Lecturer on Botany at St. Thomas Hospital and at Bedford College.
Bennett, a Quaker, was publisher and editor for "The Friend", a Quaker weekly; as well as editor of the "Journal of Nature of the Royal Microscopical Society". In 1897 he also published "The Flora of the Alps".
“Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society”, 1902, p. 155-157 - photo and bio / obituary -
Frequent attendant at the gatherings of the British Association – “Journal of Botany”, 1902, p. 113-115 – Obituary -“The Flora of the Alps”, by A.W. Bennett, 1897 -
“Mycological Illustrations”, 1871 / assisted the editor s -
Michelle Cabana, Saskatoon, Sask.